Solaxy Store
Solaxy Metaverse provides Mystery Box for:
Bluechip Solana NFTs
Exclusive Whitelist Spots
In-Metaverse Assets
Physical Merchandises
P2E & PVP games (TBA)
and more...
Solaxy Keycard NFT listings.
In the future, SolaxyDAO will acquire Solaxy Keycard NFTs and list them for $SOLA on the Solaxy Store.
By spending $SOLA on Mystery Box, you are able to win a chance for getting the above products and services.
Solaxy Raffle
Solaxy Raffle offers chances to win:
Bluechip Solana NFTs
Big bag of $SOLA
By buy raffle tickets via $SOLA, you will be entitled to join each round of raffles.
Last updated